For strange effects and extraordinary combinations we must go to life itself

For strange effects and extraordinary combinations we must go to life itself

For strange effects and extraordinary combinations we must go to life itself, which is always far more daring than any effort of the imagination.

#ingles#arthurconandoyle 161

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It’s the possibility that keeps me going

It’s the possibility that keeps me going

It’s the possibility that keeps me going… and though you may call me a dreamer or fool or any other thing, I believe that anything is possible.

Vale a pena ficar por aqui para fazer

Vale a pena ficar por aqui para fazer

Vale a pena ficar por aqui para fazer do meu cantinho do mundo um lugar um pouco melhor.

I am not what happened to me

I am not what happened to me

"I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become."


I learned that I can not demand love from anyone … I can only give good reasons to like me … And be patient for life to do the rest …

I learned that I can not demand love from anyone…
I can only give good reasons to like me…
And be patient for life to do the rest…
Aprendi que não posso exigir o amor de ninguém…
(…Continue Lendo…)


Com um pouco de chuva

Everyone wants happiness without any pain, but you cannot have a rainbow without a little rain.
Todo mundo quer a felicidade sem nenhuma dor, mas você não pode ter um arco íris tem um pouco de chuva.

(…Continue Lendo…)
