What ever you decide to do

What ever you decide to do

What ever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy.

#ingles 133

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Do not let your dreams be dreams.
Não deixe seus sonhos serem sonhos.

(…Continue Lendo…)


I learned that I can not demand love from anyone … I can only give good reasons to like me … And be patient for life to do the rest …

I learned that I can not demand love from anyone…
I can only give good reasons to like me…
And be patient for life to do the rest…
Aprendi que não posso exigir o amor de ninguém…
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I could never stop thinking that maybe she

I could never stop thinking that maybe she

I could never stop thinking that maybe she loved mysteries so much that she became one.

"Nothing will benefit Human Helath and INCREASE chances
for survival on Life on Earth as much as the evolution a vegetarian diet.

"Nothing will benefit Human Helath and INCREASE chances for survival on Life on Earth as much as the evolution a vegetarian diet.

"Nothing will benefit Human Helath and INCREASE chances
for survival on Life on Earth as much as the evolution a vegetarian diet.
By Albert Einsteien
