You might live over

You might live over

You might live over, not forget to smile, have love and compassion by others.
It's what differentiates us from animals’ irrationals.

#poesias#ingles#teresateth 143

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"I'm lost in you do not see anything do not know what to do so as time passes, singing …

"I'm lost in you
do not see anything
do not know what to do
so as time passes, singing…
…and crying, because my smile died
please, please, go away and take my pain also"

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True Love

True Love
Quem sou eu que não me encontro?
Me perdi no seu olhar,
e quando lembro do seu beijo logo bate o desejo de no seu colo repousar. Com você eu aprendi o sentido de amar!
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Let me play amoung the stars
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